Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weeks 7-10: Form, Contours, Tonal Values, Positive/Negative Space, Perspective

Louden Nelson Sketchers got into the zone and cranked out a lot of sketches of pumpkins, squash, shells and various objects. Using contour lines, everyone learned to show the roundness and edges of objects as we concentrated on drawing accurate proportions. We also explored using large format paper and charcoal and studied texture, light, and shadows.

 Above left is Maria's study of pumpkins and to the right we see her putting the finishing touches on her large-format charcoal drawing.

Above left is Luis D's study sketch and to the right is his finished charcoal drawing.

 Luis D's contour line drawing of the coyote (above left) is a wonderful example of accurate proportions, foreshortening (making something look like it is coming toward you), and shading. And Jesus' contour study of the antique iron shows excellent line work.

Upper left is Emilio's contour line drawing showing the edges of the aloe plant, and upper right is a drawing by Luis G. showing the gray tonal values of green. Lower left is Rielly's tonal drawing and lower right is the aloe plant drawn by Isa.

Sketches above left and right show Azalia's use of positive and negative space to draw the contour edges of the egret.

Ashley (above left) and Caterina learned to use 1 and 2-point perspective (without rulers!) to draw 3D buildings.

Check out Amanda's cool eXpReSsiOn sEsSiOn drawing, shown below.

Click 'Read more' below to see everyone's drawings and Rob's comments...